The Salvation Story

It’s time to get it right!

We live at a time in history when there is an ever-increasing emphasis on salvation. Save the children, save the whales, save the forests, save the rivers, save the planet. The purpose of this book is to save the church! That may sound arrogant, but it is not. The church needs to be saved. That which has been saved by Christ, needs to be saved from itself, and from deception. The church has brought Christ into disrepute. The church is polluting the river of God. When a river in our land is polluted, concerned citizens voice their protest to save the river. A voice of protest can be heard throughout the pages of this book; it is a voice of protest against the church, because the church is polluting the river of God, and every person in the river is suffering.

To protest is one thing, but solutions to the problem are another matter. Industry may be destroying rivers, but society needs industry. Any fool can protest, but a worthy protester will also contribute by offering solutions to the problem. This book is far more than simply a voice of protest against the church. This book offers the solution; it tells the truth of the cross, the cross of Christ—the cross the church has abandoned!

When the church left its first love—and it did!—its presence in the river of God polluted the river. It is time to stop polluting. If the citizens of this world can become upset at those who pollute their rivers, if they can become outraged, then citizens of the Kingdom of God, stirred to action by the Spirit of God, can become outraged at the polluter of God’s river—the church! This book attacks those responsible for the pollution without apology, it attacks with the truth, spoken in love; it attacks the pollution and the polluter with the truth of the salvation story. It’s time to get it right!

There is a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the Most High.


 Psalm 46:4 AMP


700 page book including a comprehensive subject and scripture index.